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The Maintenance staff recognizes that the fixed assets of this Corporation represent a significant investment of this community, and their maintenance is of prime concern to both the Board and the Maintenance Department.

The Maintenance Department will follow all necessary guidelines for the ongoing maintenance and good order of the physical buildings and for the expeditious repair of those conditions which threaten the safety of the occupants or the integrity of the buildings. The Maintenance Department is committed to a continuous program of inspection, maintenance, and rehabilitation for the preservation of all school buildings and equipment. Wherever possible and feasible, maintenance shall be preventive. 

Facility Use

The Monroe-Gregg School District buildings are designed and equipped primarily as educational facilities. However, the Board of Trustees recognizes that many community groups may wish to use school facilities as a meeting place for large and small groups. School functions will always take precedence over outside activities. Please review the links below for the guidelines and request form. 


MGSD Facility Use Form


Perry McCubbins
Outdoor Maintenance Director

Brett Everett
Maintenance Director
317-996-3720, ext. 5

Shawn Swopes
Assistant Maintenance Director
317-996-3720, ext. 5